
Hello World Module for Joomla!

This is a ready to go Joomla Module Boilerplate that you can use to build your own modules. I have added all the settings, elements and things I could find.

What does it do?

This is a module that displays a language sensitive Hello World statement. You can set the language in the module.

How to use this module

  • Install the module.
  • Configure the module how you want it, including making sure to publish it and enabling it on a page of your choosing.
  • Load the page that has the module configured to display on it.
  • You will now see a Hello World message displayed in your chosen language.


  • When the install mechanism is used, the title for the module comes from en-GB.mod_qwrealurl.sys.ini / MOD_QWREALURL_NAME="Hello World"
  • The module name is helloworld
    • Can be called by $module->name
    • Is made from the filename mod_helloworld.php, the mod_ prefix and .php file extension are removed.


mod_helloworld is fully compatible with Joomla versions 3.x (possibly only 3.8+) and 4.x. A few alterations and the plugin will work on earlier versions of Joomla.


mod_helloworld is a Joomla module developed by QuantumWarp and released under the GNU General Public License.

Learn More

Visit the extension's software page at:


I used the following links and resources to build this module.



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Please report any bugs or features that you find so that they can be fixed. To get more details visit

[1.0.0] - 2019-11-17

Initial Release

  • Initial Commit

Hello World Plugin for Joomla!

This is a ready to go Joomla Plugin Boilerplate that you can use to build your own plugins. I have added all the settings, elements and things I could find.

What does it do?

This is a content plugin that replaces a user defined shortcode with a language sensitive Hello World statement. You can set the language in the plugin.

How to use this module

  • Install the plugin.
  • Configure the plugin how you want it, including making sure to publish it.
  • Insert the shortcode into an article.
  • Load the newly saved article, with the shortcode, and you should see the shortcode has been replaced with the Hello World message..


  • When the install mechanism is used, the title for the plugin comes from en-GB.plg_qwrealurl.sys.ini / PLG_QWREALURL_NAME="Hello World"
  • The plugin name is helloworld
    • Can be called by $this->_name
    • Is made from the filename helloworld.php, the .php file extension is removed.
  • You can restrict this plugin to work only on certain components using $context.


plg_helloworld is fully compatible with Joomla versions 3.x (possibly only 3.8+) and 4.x. A few alterations and the plugin will work on earlier versions of Joomla.


plg_helloworld is a Joomla module developed by QuantumWarp and released under the GNU General Public License.

Learn More

Visit the extension's software page at:


I used the following links and resources to build this plugin.



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Please report any bugs or features that you find so that they can be fixed. To get more details visit

[1.0.0] - 2019-11-17

Initial Release

  • Initial Commit

QWRealURL Module for Joomla!

What does it do?

Shows you the non-SEF URL when using Search Engine Friendly URLs (SEF) in Joomla.

This allows for easy creation of internal Joomla links that can be dynamically routed.

How to use this module

  • Install the module.
  • Configure the module how you want it, including making sure to publish it and enabling it on a page of your choosing.
  • Load a page that has the module configured to display on it.
  • You will now see the non-SEF version of your URL.


  • None yet


QWRealURL is fully compatible with Joomla versions 3.x and 4.x.


QWRealURL is a Joomla module developed by QuantumWarp and released under the GNU General Public License.

Learn More

Visit the extension's software page at:


I used the following links and resources to build this module.

Joomla Routing

Real Joomla SEF

Joomla Router Ref:

Javascript - Copy to clipboard

With Javascript you cannot directly copy anything you want. The **select()*- function on works on items the user can select normally.

The workarounds on the internet work by creating an element that can be selected like a textarea, copy the required data into it, select and copy that data now in the <textarea> and then <textarea> is deleted.

I rendered the non-SEF URL directly into a hidden which i can unhide, select and copy to the clipboard and of course re-hide the element.

Input/Textarea direct

Workaround method for innerHTML etc..

Javascript References



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Please report any bugs or features that you find so that they can be fixed. To get more details visit

[1.0.0] - 2019-11-23

Initial Release

  • Initial Release