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My Knowledgebase

Children categories

Applications (103)

3rd Party applications, usage and their uninstall instructions

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Emulators (7)

This is where I will put all of my emulator and Vintage computer stuff.

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Hardware (77)

Faults and solutions that are related to hardware. This can also include the driver software.

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Linux (4)

This category will cover all things Linux

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Mac (1)

All issues, software and hardware that are Apple MAC related.

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Mobile Phones (25)

All Mobile phone related issues

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Networking (3)

aspects of using a network, servers, VPNs, subnet masks etc..

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SEM (1)

Search Engine Marketing, this includes other sorts of online marketing such as Email campaigns.

SEM = outgoing/outbound/pushing for traffic/inbound marketing – Actively advertise your site via various channels such as social networks or Adverts. This is an active process by you.

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SEO (5)

SEO = aquire incoming traffic / getting them to coming to you / improve the semantic and relevance of the content for search engines to improve your ranking. This is almost a passive process as you cannot control the search engines.

Analytics is the art of reading incoming traffic for patterns to help you improve your web presense and is used as part of SEO and SEM for feedback.

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Web Design (335)

Web design, Joomla and E107. Includes techniques, software tips and methods for creating websites.

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Web Server (69)

All things to do with server level stuff

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