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How to list items on eBay with Turbo Lister Easily

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This is the most efficient way of doing eBay and is especially useful when you are doing many items

Setup the equipment

  • Photo area with with paper
  • Camera tripod
  • Android phone on WIFI (connect to phone via airdroid, can be done later) or other method of WiFi camera. I set he res to 1280 x 1024 as this is not to large but you can have personal preference.
  • Have your pc on with Turbo Lister open and a web browser
  • All your pack materials in 1 area
  • The ebay html code for gallery open in notepad++ on your laptop
  • I use the free program Easy Thumbnails for creating the thumbnails.

Basic work flow

  1. Get all of you items for sale in 1 pile
  2. Box and semi pack all items so you know you have a suitable box for them
  3. Take all the items you have boxed and then photograph them on your android phone/wifi setup
  4. Do a couple of test images to make sure the equipment is working properly. Do this by downloading them on your pc and checking
  5. No go ahead and photo graph all of your items. The more expensive the more photos you should take more
  6. Process the images (see below)
  7. Write and build the item/auction in Turbo Lister. Do this for all items you have just taken photos for

eBay HTML Gallery for images on your own server

Image processing

  1. Get the images on your PC
  2. Remove any bad images
  3. Resize images to 1280px (optional, but better for loading on mobiles)
  4. Sort them in to folders for each product with a suitable web-safe folder name
    Those that you just took 1 photo on purpose, create a folder called misc and put them in there

    The following can actually be done just as easy when you create the individual Item/auction

  5. For each product's images rename them to: (and put them into a specific order if required.)
    1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg  etc......
  6. Create thumbnails for each item using Easy Thumbnails (default settings are perfect) this creates thumbnails called and should be in the products folder where the original images are. If not move them there.
    tn_1.jpg, tn_2.jpg, tn_3.jpg  etc......
  7. Upload these product images and thumbnails, in their folders, to you website holding folder and it should end up being in the format below.
     {Website eBay Folder}/{Item Name}/
  8. Image processing stuff done

HTML Gallery

We now have the images uploaded on our webserver but need to create a HTML gallery to use them.

This code is a nicely layed out basic gallery that you can use for your eBay listings but hosting the images on your own server saving you money and allowing you to add as many images as you want. I use the free program Easy Thumbnails for creating the thumbnails.


<p>Click on the images for a larger version</p>
	<a href="" style="padding: 5px;"><img alt="" src="" /></a>
	<a href="" style="padding: 5px;"><img alt="" src="" /></a>
	<a href="" style="padding: 5px;"><img alt="" src="" /></a>
	<a href="" style="padding: 5px;"><img alt="" src="" /></a>
	<a href="" style="padding: 5px;"><img alt="" src="" /></a>
	<a href="" style="padding: 5px;"><img alt="" src="" /></a>
	<a href="" style="padding: 5px;"><img alt="" src="" /></a>

Build the product specific gallery HTML code

  • Copy the HTML code above into your favourite text editor, mine in Notepad++
  • Adjust the number of image references to match how many you need. Either delete lines or use copy and paste and add more not forgetting to change the image numbers.
  • Using text replace
    • change the domain to match yours. Dont forget to change https for http if needed
    • change the file path to mathc yours
    • change the product name to match the product image folder name
  • Save this gallery or keep it to hand.

Turbo Lister – Building an item

The process is fairly easy and straight forward but I will write it down anyway. You only need to do this if you are doing multiple images for you item and is to bypass eBay costs for extra images.

  1. Open Turbo Lister
  2. Create new item
  3. Select a product you have just photographed and have the images for
  4. Search eBay to see if there are any of these items on eBay so you can gauge a price. If you take a lower price you might find your ssales increase. Don’t be greedy if you want to sell quick
  5. Create a suitable title – use the search results for inspiration
  6. Select a category - – use the search results for inspiration
  7. Set an auction time
    1. 7 or 10 days for an auction. Start 7 days on Sunday 8.00pm to 9.00pm and 10 days start these on Thursday at 8.00pm to 9.00pm. 8.15pm is probably the best
    2. If you are doing a fixed you either start at the times above or whenever you want. Only do 30 days for the real specialty stuff as most people don’t do anything until the last week if not on the last day. You would only need 30days to advertise something people don’t look for often
  8. Now fill in your description. It is ok to nick stuff of other people’s listing because they have done all the hard work for you but do not 100% rip their work as they could find you out and report you to eBay. Be honest in your description
  9. Select an auction image via Turbo Lister, you should navigate to image 1 (or your selection) select the image for your auction
  10. Product Image HTML Gallery (optional)
    1. Go back to your description and select the HTML view in Turbo Lister
    2. Open the HTML Code you created earlier for your HTML Gallery in Notepad++
    3. Copy the HTML Code to the bottom of your Turbo Lister description (or wherever you want)
    4. Preview the images and make sure they open.


That should be it, you have made one complete eBay product and listed it using TurboLister.

Other Notes

  • You can diretly embed images into HTML using the following code. See my article about this.
    <img src="" alt="">


Read 811 times Last modified on Sunday, 22 January 2017 15:13