i have read the forum and the manual, but i cannot find a way to put categories that i include in an article in to a grid or at least all float left (display: inline-block) rather than a vertical list using:
{phocagallery view=categories|imagecategories=1|imagecategoriessize=1}
- i am aware that i can surround stuff in divs and then style that but the output using this plugin seems to be table based. I did give it a go.
- i could not find a template file or css for the plugin.
- is it possible to make the categories output in a grid, preferably one that i can set or a responsive float left or float right ?
- will i have to actually edit the plugin code itself?
I had a look at editing the plugin, but i was not really keen to do that. You will love the solution i figured it out, no core code or phocagallery code was harmed in the making of this.
Phocagallery, when displaying a category through a link floats the categories exactly as i want, but my problem was that i wanted to display 2 categories like that, floated and below each other. However when you create a menu item you can only select 1 category and tweak it as needed.
So i used the following method to get the result i wanted
- I created a menu (but not attached to a module)
- in this menu i created 2 phocagallery category links, each link pointing at their own respective category and tweaked as required
- i created an article called Portfolio
- I then use a plugin called 'Plugin include component' (available for free on joomla extensions) and included each of the menu items (via jlink) into the portfolio article. (i used a clear: both command between the two items just incase)
- I then pointed a main menu item to the article, portfolio
- i now have 2 x separate sub categories displayed on the same page, floated
You can use this method to get different layouts and the best thing is, upgrading will not break this method.
Configuring the Menu Items / Phoca Gallery Hidden links
3 links published in a hidden menu to get the look i wanted
- Link 1 - General link to phoca gallery categories view
- i set the parent directory as 1 (which is portflios
- make sure this is the first 'phoca menu item' in the menu
NB joomla will look for the first menu item to use to style the SEF. The order of the items in a menu is used. ie in your hidden menu joomla will use the first 'phoca menu item' irreispectiv of its item ID. (There might be times where the item id is used ie you have different phoca urls in different menus or perhaps it will look at the module order and then the menu order).
The following 2 links are configure so they will display how you want on the page
- Link 2 - point to category 1
- Link 3 - point to category 2
set all variables appropriately. ie set parent id to filter results, hide menu options