I will not descibe how to config every feature in EasyBlog and Komento, however below is a list of the main interaction features I would setup.
These features tend to focus on user interaction and social integration and just because you set all of these features up does not mean you have to use them but makes life easier to turn them on at a later date.
EasyBlog (System)
- Google Maps (Settings-->General-->Location)
- Feedburner (Settings-->General-->RSS)
- Akismet (Inbuilt Comments) (Settings-->Comments-->Anti Spam)
- reCAPTCHA (Inbuilt Comments) (Settings-->Comments-->Anti Spam)
- Enable Comments (Komento/Inbuilt Comments) (Settings-->Comments-->Integrations)
- EasyBlog - Comments Documentation
- Integrating With Komento - Comments - EasyBlog Documentation
- Enable your prefered system
- Google Adsense (Settings-->Integrations-->Adsense)
- Mailchimp (Settings-->Integrations-->Newsletters)
- Pingomatic (Settings-->Integrations-->Pingomatic)
- Mailbox Publishing (Settings-->Mailbox Publishing)
- Email Publishing - Remote Publishing - EasyBlog Documentation
- EasyBlog - Remote Publishing Documentation - How to remote publish posts.
- Automatic publishing of posts via and an email account and cron.
- Flickr (Settings-->Media-->Flickr)
- Integrating With Flickr - Integrations - EasyBlog Documentation
- This allows users to use their Flickr photos via your API that you set up here.
- By enabling Flickr integrations, user's can access their Flickr images via the media manager (and your Flickr App/API). You will first need to create an application with Flickr and copy the Api key and Secret Key from Flickr. (optional)
- OneSignal (Settings-->Notifications-->Push Notification)
- Onesignal Push Notification - Configuration - EasyBlog Documentation
- OneSignal - Multi-platform Push Notification Service
- Push messages to Android, iOS and Web Push for desktops etc..
- OneSignal provides free web push notifications service.
- Social Buttons (Settings-->Social Integrations-->General)
- Social Integrations - Configuration - EasyBlog Documentation
- On this guide, you will be able to configure the social buttons that appears on the blog listings. You can determine the size of the social buttons that would appear on the site.
- Facebook (Settings-->Social Integrations-->Facebook)
- Social Integrations - Configuration - EasyBlog Documentation
- This covers:
- Facebook General Options - This guide will help you to configure the behavior of the Facebook button on the site.
- Facebook Social Analytics - This section will help you setup Google Analytics Social Interactions for social buttons.
- Facebook Button Styles - This section will help you configure the styling of Facebook button on your site.
- Facebook Instant Article - This section will help you to configure Facebook instant article. Please visit our documentation on how you may Facebook Instant Article configuration.
- Twitter (Settings-->Social Integrations-->Twitter)
- Social Integrations - Configuration - EasyBlog Documentation
- This covers:
- Twitter General Options - This section will help you to configure the Twitter button and Twitter cards.
- Twitter Social Analytics - This section will help you setup Google Analytics Social Interactions for social buttons.
- Twitter Remote Tweets - This section will help you to configure fetching remote tweets and convert them as a post.
- Facebook Autoposting (Auto Posting-->Facebook)
- Twitter Autoposting (Auto Posting-->Twitter)
- LinkedIn Autoposting (Auto Posting-->LinkedIn)
EasyBlog (Author/User)
- Facebook Autoposting (Authors-->{User}-->Blog Settings)
- Twitter Autoposting (Authors-->{User}-->Blog Settings)
- LinkedIn Autoposting (Authors-->{User}-->Blog Settings)
- Feedburner (Authors-->{User}-->Integrations)
- Akismet (Settings-->Antispam-->Akismet)
- reCaptcha (Settings-->Antispam-->Captcha)
- Cleantalk (Settings-->Antispam-->Cleantalk)
- Anti-spam applications for websites by CleanTalk
- Anti-Spam Features. CleanTalk protects your website from spam bots and spam.
- Google Maps (Settings-->General-->Location)
- Social Sharing Buttons (Settings-->General-->Social Sharing)
- Enable all required software integrations (Settings-->Integrations)
- Komento - Integrations Documentation
- EasyBlog - Integrations - Komento Documentation
- Enable the integration of Komento for all required Joomla components.
- OneSignal (Settings-->Notifications-->Push Notifications)
- Onesignal Push Notification Configuration - How Tos - Komento Documentation
- OneSignal - Multi-platform Push Notification Service
- Push messages to Android, iOS and Web Push for desktops etc..
- OneSignal provides free web push notifications service.
Sort these
I think one of these will belong to facebook ssytem and one to facbook author
- Obtaining Facebook Profile Id - Autoposting - EasyBlog Documentation
- Obtaining Facebook Page Id - Autoposting - EasyBlog Documentation
- Do the facebook,twitter.linkedin, system API configurations allow the use of these services by the authors or are they seperate. Find out + make notres in this article