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Thursday, 15 March 2018 17:13

Create a Blog - Part 8 (Q & A)

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Still got questions, then hopefully they should be answered here. This is basically the research I used to make this series of articles.


General Alias Articles

Profile Images


Delete a Gmail profile picture

Forwarding Gmail email

Migrate my Android phone to new Gmail account

Delete an Android Calendar.

Google Play - You Don't Have Any Devices

Wipe contacts on my android phone but not from my Google account

Android Samsung Notes / S-Memo

How to Sync Google Calendar with Outlook

Google Play how to see my purchased apps

Gmail Aliases

Moving Google Services to another account

Moving Google Analytics Property

YouTube Channel

  • How To Make A YouTube Channel! (2018 Beginners Guide) - YouTube - This is a tutorial on how to make a youtube channel for beginners 2018. In this video, i'll guide you through the process of creating an account and even show you how to upload a video along with channel art.
  • Manage your Brand Account - Google Account Help - You can set up and manage a special kind of account for your business or brand, called a Brand Account. You can use certain Google services, like Google+ and YouTube, with this account to create an online presence.
  • Create a new channel - YouTube Help - With a Google Account, you can watch and like videos and subscribe to channels. However, without a YouTube channel, you have no public presence on YouTube. Even if you have a Google Account, you need to create a YouTube channel to upload videos, comment or make playlists. You can use a computer or the YouTube mobile site to create a new channel.

Google Maps vs Google Places



Moving an xbox profile

Move an email alias between Microsoft accounts

There is an element in risk because the aliases become available immediately after release or up to 30 days. Read these articles to decide.

Microsoft/ aliases

Change Xbox Gamertag

Xbox Gamerpics

Installing Skype (not from the store)

I do not want to install skpe from the store because I do not want to login into windows with my Microsoft account.

Delete a Skype account

Things have changed now. If you have an old skype account you have to link it to a Microsoft account and then delete the Microsoft account which will delete both.

Change a Skype Username

The answer is you cannot. It is tied into your Microsoft account. I do not know if changing your primary alias will change your skype username.

What is my Skype ID

Multi Skype emails going into spam

Where to view my Microsoft/Xbox support requests ?


Close a Yahoo Account

Delete a Flickr Account

You can delete a Flickr account without deleting your Yahoo account and then create a new Flickr account if you want.

Forward Yahoo email

Switch between Classic and Basic Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Aliases

Flickr General

Change Flickr Screen Name / Real Name


Facebook app namespace is “Already used by some other app”

When I followed the instructions from EasyBlog I got this error. It is caused by the namespace easyblogapp is already used and you need to add your website.

  1. Go to your App.
  2. Select Settings option from the left sidebar.
  3. then add a namespace.

Facebook app namespace is "Already used by some other app" - Stack Overflow


  1. Click Apps and then select your app.
  2. Click the Settings button on the left side of the screen.
  3. In the Basic settings, click the Add Platform button below the settings configuration.
  4. Select Website in the platform dialog.
  5. Enter your URL (localhost works here).
  6. In the App Domains text input, add your domain that matches the one in the URL.
  7. Save your settings.

why I am unable to add apps domain to my app ? | Facebook Help Community | Facebook

Create a Facebook Page

  • How To Create a Facebook Page - YouTube - How To Create a Facebook Page- Derral demonstrates and explains how to create a Facebook page for business, public figure, charity or cause, any reason that you may need to create a Facebook page.
  • How to Create a Facebook Fan Page for Your Blog - A step-by-step tutorial on creating a Facebook fan page for your blog or website. I choose 'Brand or Product' and then 'Website' for my blog.

Delete posts from Facebook

Facebook Instant Articles





  • Change Your Username — Support —
    • Videos on how to change your username.
    • Once you change your username you will not be able to change it back and the old name will not be available for you or anyone to use. If you just want to show your name differently please only change your Display Name.



Change a GitHub username



Read 1931 times Last modified on Saturday, 17 March 2018 16:39