Just a collection of my notes for installing and using Discourse
- General Integration / SSO
- SSO, or Single Sign On, is a kind of middle-ground for that.
- SSO for joomla and Discourse?
- Setup DiscourseConnect - Official Single-Sign-On for Discourse (sso) - admins - Discourse Meta - DiscourseConnect is a core Discourse feature that allows you to configure “Single Sign-On (SSO)” to completely outsource all user registration and login from Discourse to another site. Offered to our standard, business and enterprise hosting customers.
- WordPress Intergration
- How to Use Discourse Community Forums with WordPress - Discourse is one of the most popular community forums software platforms available today. Unlike a lot of its WordPress-based competitors, Discourse doesn’t run off of WordPress architecture. It has to be contained on its own server. That shouldn’t scare you, though. The developers understand that 1/3 of the internet can’t be ignored (WordPress’ market share), so they made it exceptionally easy to make these two powerhouse platforms play nice with each other. With the official Discourse WordPress plugin, you can make these two platforms interact like they were made with the other in mind.
- Automatically Sync ALL WordPress users to Discourse - wordpress - Discourse Meta - I need all existing Wordpress users Synchronised/Imported into Discourse so that they are active Discourse users WITHOUT the users needing to first login to Wordpress to trigger the SSO Discourse account creation process. Is this a feature that’s currently available or do we need to develop a custom feature for this?
- How To Integrate Discourse Forum With WordPress: 2024 Guide - Learn how to integrate your Discourse Forum with WordPress blog in this tutorial - Installing Discourse WordPress Plugin and configuring the settings. The main highlights include the ability to publish selected posts as Forum topics on Discourse and use Discourse for comments and discussions for WordPress posts.
- Joomla Integration
- How to Enable Single Sign-on (SSO) in Joomla - Joomlashack
- Single sign-on (SSO) is a very useful tool for managing multiple sites.
- Single sign-on is often used by large companies that have many different software platforms.
- If all those platforms are connected using Single sign-on, then users only need to remember one username and password.
- SAML SSO for Joomla, by miniOrange - Joomla Extension Directory - Joomla SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) allows you to secure your Joomla site by allowing users to login into Joomla site by different SAML Identity Providers like Azure AD, Okta, GSuite / Google Apps, Keycloak, ADFS, Salesforce, Office 365, Shibboleth2, Shibboleth3, OneLogin, PingFederate, FusionAuth or any SAML compliant Identity Provider. Joomla SAML Single-Sign-On addresses the challenge of maintaining the credentials for each application separately, streamlining the process of signing on without the need to re-enter the password.
- How to Enable Single Sign-on (SSO) in Joomla - Joomlashack
- Using Discourse
- Editing Titles in Discourse - support - Discourse Meta
- What’s the deal with people being able to edit titles? Can only Regulars do this? I ask because on another forum, we are having some issues with people editing topic titles.
- Because you’re a longtime, trusted, “Regular”, you get elevated privileges, so you can fix bad titles.
- Editing Titles in Discourse - support - Discourse Meta