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Sunday, 06 May 2012 13:18

Joomla Admin login loop - cannot login

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I recently installed Joomla, and everything went smoothly, I had it running for a few days, then suddenly I could not login to Admin, I just get caught in a continuous loop, I do not get any error messages (except when I purposely type wrong password)

forcing https for admin seems to create admin loop (this works for me)

Go into your site either through your web hosting control panel or FTP access, find your configuration.php file which should be found the main root of the site. Edit the file, you should find; "var $force_ssl = '1';" switch this to 0 to disable it. Upload the file back to the site and check the administration page if it logs through http://


My Joomla 1.5 install was working great until I turned on SSL. After that I got the admin login loop. I fixed that by changing the $live_site variable as mentioned above. So, this may not be a solution to all of you who are having problem with this issue.


use htaccess to force https

- set session.use_cookies = 1 in php.ini did not work

Possibly permmisions or password

  • make sure joomla user plugin is published (jos_plugins)
  • the User Joomla! was 0 0 1 0 0 , I changed it to 0 1 1 0 0 (meaning I changed "published" from 0 to 1)
  • `jos_plugins` SET published='1' WHERE name='User - Joomla!'
  • Joomla login component permmsions (jos_plugins)
  • the User Joomla! was 1 1 1 0 0 , I changed it to 0 1 1 0 0 (meaning I changed "access" from 1 to 0)
  • try changing the administrator password
  • update tkjx45_users set password=MD5('MyPassword') where usertype = "Super Administrator"
Read 1151 times Last modified on Sunday, 06 May 2012 15:38