SEO section
Aet in menu
- page title = <h1>
- show title = <h2>
Article options
- show title = <h2>
- but menu item overrules it
- you can set this option in the article aswell for the times it is not used as a menu itme but present in a blog layout
Other notes
- 1024 screensize = 960px visible in browers (because of the browser window size and scroll bars etc...)
- if you use a weired url modified like jsecure lite the module hover links will not work becasuse they point to the admin directory
- disable forgot your password and forgot your username options via menu item (not possible)
Standalone Applications must have their own folder, use all lowercase.
Via ftp, create a folder ../sp/
All standalone applications must have their own nested folder ../sp/othercms/
Add a .htaccess folder to ../sp/ to deny access to the folder and sub folders (or appropiate - check)
- JCE is now my prefered editor because ckeditor etc.. have many issues/bugs. i need to either use <pre> or [code] in future to prevent editor stripping
- add to ideas, media manager available in front -end (off by default), ability to delete articles in front end properely/empty trash. the reson for this is a lot of small sites with a couple of pages the users only ever want to alter a few things on their site and do not need to know the back end
- file amamgers eXtploer, Profiles, FILEman (C)
- how to configure jcs to sort word content - also read
JCE Suggestions to send
- no ability to easily do margin: 0px auto; as you can either set all margins or individually
Joomlashine suggestions to send
- send to joomla shine
- add tick to unicons
Gallery Notes
- simple image gallery = basic plugin, no captions, responsive
- simple image gallery pro = plugin based gallery + captions - quite good
- joomgallery = complex gallery but not 100% responsive (use 2 column to get around this. this gallery is all editable by the client
how to rip a website page courtesy of customers
- copy and paste whole thing into a word document
- then copy and paste that in to JCE editor and it will strip the junk out
- edit images as needed
- done
Front end editing related
- create article front end - front end only editing is ideal for those who will never change the layout (ie blog style)
- backend editing is requied for those who have a blog layout list page because joomla does not allow deleting from front end except via trashed option. joomla also does not allow media manager access from front end
- need to add a frontend file amanger or add a better file amanger than the inbuilt one. (ie JCE editor or those other ones I found)
- image only sites only require jce which can delete and upload images. sites that need to use other things like pdfs or change the sliders thing can use the in built media manager (orone of the following media managers). front end media managing seems to be a problem
- delete article
- cannot really delete an article from front end but only change its status to trashed
Joomla Module ACL suggestions
Send this to that guy who did the module acl
- bug/feature - you cannot edit a module from font end unless that permmision is on, iheritance does not work to custom group
- in admin make editable.non edtable modules more contrasted
- allow editing of modules in thefrontrend properely like artilce, at the leat once you finbish editin a module you should be returned to the page you were editing
- in acl allow.disallow sort ordering
- ability to hide non editable module (possibly in acl) resaon is customers can still magle module orders
- possibkly acl allow module posistion change
- Location of system icons -
- Turn on Error Reporting properely - in php.ini(there is also a specifc joomla setting in xampp)
; XAMPP: Turn display_startup_errors = Off here for a full Joomla support
display_startup_errors = On - Database Notes - make sure you use mysqli (innodb tables)