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Virgin Mobile Voicemail

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Enable Voicemail Instructions

  1. Dial 222
  2. Listen to message
  3. Press 1 if prompted
  4. Listen to all of the message, if you dont the voicemail might not get activated
  5. Wait 20 mins
  6. Restart phone

or call Virgin on  789 via your mobile phone or 0345 454 1111


  • The default pin is 7890

How to access Voicemail / Mailbox

  • Press the voicemail button
  • Press and hold the 1 button on the dial pad
  • Dial 222
  • In Android, pull the notification bar down and click the message

Example Virgin Voicemail number

Most voicemail numbers will be made using the same syntax

{Real Number} --> {Voicemail Number}
07747 123456 --> +440037747123456

To make the number (Assuming you are in the UK)

  • Remove the 0 at the begining
  • Prepend +44003
  • Done

How to aquire the voicemail number from the handset

  • Dial *#67# from the handset
  • The following message is returned
    Call forwarding
    Voice: +440037747123456
    FAX: +440037747123456
    Sync: +440037747123456
    Async: +440037747123456
  • As you can see all of the numbers are the same

Adjust the number of rings before voicemail picks up

To adjust your no answer voicemail length dial the following from your phone:


Where xxxxxxxxxxxxx is the full 13 digit number given to you for your voicemail box, 30 denotes 30 seconds.

Voicemail still not working

On you handset you will have some settings 'Call Divert' / 'Call Forwarding', these must be enabled and pointing to your Voicemail number.

These setting are retrieved from the network so can either be set by you or Virgin. It does not matter who sets them up as long aas your Voicemail is enabled.

Default setting when Virgin set my Voicemail

  • Always forward - Not enabled, No number set
  • Forwad when busy - Enabled, number set to the Voicemail Number
  • Forward when unanswered - Enabled, number set to the Voicemail Number
  • Forward when unreachable - Enabled, number set to the Voicemail Number


Read 2321 times Last modified on Thursday, 18 February 2016 18:19