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Sunday, 09 September 2012 06:29

Disable SSL after Installation

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Method 1

This is the normal way of disabling SSL if you have access to the admin section

  1. Login to the admin site of Magento.
  2. Go to System / Configuration
  3. Choose the Web from the left tabs
  4. Open the Secure settings.
  5. Change any https:// you see to http://
  6. Set Use Secure URLs in Frontend to No
  7. Use Secure URLs in Admin to No
  8. Clear the Cache from the admin

Method 2

If you do not have access to the admin section, perhaps because you have just moved domains or server you can use the following

  1. Go into the database and in the table “core_config_data” update the record with the “path” of “web/secure/use_in_admindata” by setting the “value” field to 0.
  2. Repeat this process using the record with the “path” of “web/secure/use_in_frontend” and again set the “value” field to 0.
  3. Using SSH, log into my hosting account, and issue a “rm -rf ~/public_html/magento/var/cache” command, or you can use FTP to delete the same cache files

The last step is required because the “cache” cannot be cleared from the admin backend, since you can’t log into it. This does it manually.

Method 3

This is an untested method looks good and might also fix other issues.

This will set the same Base URL for secure links as it it for unsecure.

Run the following command in PHPMyAdmin or your MySQL command line.

{code}select @baseurl:=`value` where `scope_id`=0 and `path`='web/unsecure/base_url'; update `core_config_data` set `value`=@baseurl where `scope_id`=0 and `path`='web/secure/base_url'; {/code}


Read 2998 times Last modified on Sunday, 09 September 2012 11:49