These are examples of hot to clear a float in different ways.
Clearing a Float with <div>
This is the standard way of clearing a float that works in all wysiwyg
<div style="clear: both;"> </div>
Clearing a Float with <p>
This is another standard way of clearing a float that works in all wysiwyg. Sometimes it is better to use this in a wysiwyg as a <p> usually adds a gap below and above it.
<p style="clear: both;"> </p>
Clearing a Float with <span>
I have not really testest this. i am not sure this actually works because it is not a block element.
<span style="clear: both;"></span> - this seems wysiwyg (but does not clear) <span style="clear: both;"> </span> - this seems wysiwyg (but does not clear)
Clearing a Float with <br>
a <br /> can be used to clear a float from within an <p> element (or <div>)
<br style="clear:both;" /> - it gets removed <br style="clear: both;"> </br> - (tested at the end) it gets converted into <br style="clear: both;" />
at the end, and note the escaped space, this prevents it from getting wiped by the wysiwyg
<li><br style="clear: both;" /> </li>
dont forget that empty tags will be removed, either give them an 'id' or put something in the tags to prevent removal
<div style="clear: both;"> </div> <p style="clear: both;"> </p> <br style="clear: both;"> With ID - not 100% tested <div id="keep-me" style="clear: both;"></div> <p id="keep-me" style="clear: both;"></p> <br id="keep-me" style="clear: both;">