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Saturday, 13 February 2016 19:34

Overlapping Joomla Modules

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This is issue is caused when i want to add 3 unequally sized modules in the content-bottom module postioin which is a horizontally 'dynamically divided' DIV.
module posistions are automatically sliced equally vertically or horizontally  depending on their type (see module position map in the manual).

Joomlashine suggestion

Joomlashines method to prevent overlapping, was to alter the number of slices of a particular module posistion by manually setting this in the template. This solution still had issues. Hardcoding setting the number of slices is done in the template (index.php)

The template layout for content-bottom shows it as 1 , for a noobie this is what i expect. But what actually happens is that your template system divides content-bottom up depending on how many modules are published to it. This leads to my issue where one of the modules was to big to fit in on of these divisions.

In the instructions you might want to mention the template system automatically divides content-bottom in to equal sections when more than 1 module is published there.

My Instructions

  • I removed the module positions from the 3 modules i wanted in content-bottom
  • I created a new 'Custom HTML' module and published it in content-bottom
  • I used the plugin 'Modules Anywhere' from NoNumbers and used the following code to add these module in to the 'custom html' module via a plugin
	<div style="float: left;">{module Aftercare}</div>
	<div style="float: left;">{module Highlights}</div>
	<div style="float: left;">{module Click To Buy}</div>


Read 1070 times Last modified on Saturday, 13 February 2016 19:38