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Friday, 16 October 2009 19:32

Ghosting from an Intel to an AMD based PC causes BSOD

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When you ghost from an intel to an AMD based PC intelppm.sys and processr.sys can cause the PC to crash. The reason for this crash is because these drivers are attempting to perform an unsupported operation inside of the computer (like upgrading the physical processors microcode, changing power state on the physical processor).

Also a sign of this is a BSOD 0x0000007E error.

If you are seeing this problem repeatedly you can manually disable these drivers (with no negative side effect) by going to the following location in the registry:




And changing the 'Start' value to '4'.

Also, rather than wondering around in the registry, you're better off using "SC" command (included with Windows XP/2003):

  • sc config intelppm start= disabled
  • sc config processor start= disabled


  • reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Intelppm /v Start /d 4 /t REG_DWORD
  • reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\processor /v Start /d 4 /t REG_DWORD

From the Recovery Console use:

  • disable intelppm
  • disable processor
Read 1143 times Last modified on Sunday, 27 May 2012 14:02