I have a file on my computer that will not delete.
- The file size is 0 bytes.
- Theproperties security tab says "The requested security information is
either unavailable or cannot be displayed" - The attributes info is "A"
- I can move the desktop icon around the screen but I cannot trash it by any means found online
- When I try to throw it in the trash, the error message says "Could not find this item". Under this message it reads "This is no longer located in C:\...\Desktop\Fitzgerald -. Verify the item's location and try again."
Method 1
- Open a Command Prompt
- Navigate to the directory where your zero-byte file is
- Dir to see a list of all the files and folders there, including your mystery file
- Dir /os to "order" them by size; any zero-byte file should be at the top. (If the list is too long, you can use Dir /o-s to put the zero-byte file at the bottom of the listing.)
- Dir /x to produce the list with an extra column before the filenames. See if your zero-byte file has a name that includes characters that are not allowed in an 8.3 filename. If so, use that "short" filename with the Del command to delete that file.
Method 2
- create a new folder and move everything EXCEPT the zero-balance file to the new folder.
- Then use the RD (Remove Directory) command with the /s switch to remove that entire directory tree, including all the files and folders left in it
- there should be only the one file that you want to delete
- You can now rename your new folder to the original name