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Saturday, 05 July 2014 00:00

Get PC working after a failed update

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This is a collection of my notes whilst i fixed a PC that would not boot after a failed update.

I am pretty sure the issue was down to reboot.xml and pending.xml, these needed to be altered toa llow the completion fo the update.


  • element not found when rebuilding the boot loader, possibly a winx86 x64 issue. ie not compatable
  • remove the other drivers, then rebuild the boot thing
  • if you get an error when using a 64 bit repair disk, try a 32bit disk, this sometimes will repair enough so you can then finish the repair with a win7 PE.
  • dont forget that the boot error with the 64 bit disk could be a memory configuration issue. also check windows installation failure issues in wiki as they will be related.

when running SFC

"there is a system repair pending which requires reboot to compltete. Restart windows and run SFC again."

read this - How to removing a pending update that is preventing a successful boot

read this - How to Perform an Offline System Integrity Verification


  • the repair option on the hdd prompts for username and password where the one of the disk does not
  • disableds that auto repair thing, also if you hit esc quick it will cancell the scan.
  • ran sfc offline repair from the bootable dvd, not the hdd. maybe try this.

there was an update performed on 30/09/12 but all system restore before this are removed. this might be because of the several drive phils PC has, and then they got mixed up when recovery was run because of all the external drives. maybe this is wehere all his system restores are.


i replaced all the missing driver files on phils pc with ones of mine. this then stop taht issue but a 0x0000007B is not present.

windows crashes when loading classpnp.sys according to the netblo.log file

i am now trying ren classpnp.sys to classpnp.old and then run startup repair off the hdd. i rebooted the pc aswell because when i tried to run the startup repair immediately after renaming the file said there was no startup issues.

dism will only load the drivers into the driver store and not make them active.

i have also tried diosabling all usb and, ACHI - IDE - RAID setting to see if it would load as this is the usual  cause of the 0x0000007B issue



  • This is issue might be caused by the location of the system reserved partition
  • try pulling all hardware
  • Look at dpinst for driver injection
  • when sfc run there were errors, cbs.log it appears an update has not finished. can this be removed.
  • ren classpnp.sys and then startup repair from hdd did not work, maybe retry sfc

the system reserved partition if present ,should be set to boot. if needed do set to boot and then re-run the startup repair, alternatively you can remove the system reserved partion by following the article (this partition is caused by there not being a ntfs partition selected on install or the selected parttion not having 4k cluster size)

  • try removing the reboot.xml in the winsxs folder. this can cause similiar issue tot he pending.xml. i am going to removve it and then try system restore again.
  • Windows 7: Cannot clear "System repair pending which requires reboot to complete" - this briefely exaplains on how to revert changes using the dsim manager
  • use diskpart method (article ) to properely select partiontons for offline repair. not 100% if this all works. ie c:\ c:\ rather that the system reserve being a different partion that need to be selected for the boot dir
  • when doing a bcdedit it will try and repair the boot sector on the active partiotn, so say your system reserve partition is not set as active but the windows partition by acident or not then the BCD will try and rebuild the boot files on the wrong partition and might cause it not to work. solution, make system reserved active and then rebuild bootsector
  • bcdedit works on the active partitions bootsecotr config files etc...
  • bootrec command to rebuild boot sector and rebuild bcd
  • be aware of the partitions and this sytem reserved partition. it might be better deleteing this and moving the boot files as per the article
  • dism /cleanup reapir thing didnt work
  • remove secondary disk while trying to fix
  • bcdedit  /store  c:\boot\bcd  /set  {bootmgr}  device  partition=C: did not fix 0x0000007b
  • turning trusted installer on before running offline sfc does nothing. the error is most likley a missin non windows system file
  • dont foget drive letter matters, make sure boot drive is C: etc
  • sometimes the system repair on the hdd will not locate the Os, so use the boot DVD


  • 7hd thing gets you to load drivers ans then adds the best one and can enable drivers
  • terabyte has a scripting language which can add the driver in to an offline install
  • use partition magic and stretch the partition to fill the gap and then delete and reload mbr, fixboot and delete teh BCD store

  • edit the bcdstore offiline on another computer. located usually c:\boot\bcd
  • if netlog file in windows is not created updated (delete file and see what happens when bootloggin enabled) this indicates that the drive is never mounted pointing to driver issue and 0x0000007b
  • loading windows in safe mode and watching which file crashews and then remove it. does not work as some are corrupt or absoulutely required.
  • install a fresh copy of windows and then copy the driver files from the standard install back in to phils install.
  • windows loader loads all drivers in c:\windows\system32\drivers alphabetically reguardless of any settings in the registry
Read 1734 times Last modified on Saturday, 05 July 2014 18:43