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Saturday, 05 July 2014 00:00

cannot install IE10

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IE10 would not install and kept failing on a windows 7 PC almost fressh install.

package manager command not only removes the corrupt files but removes the referrence to it in the package store

is SURt has not fixed your update issue it migth becaus it does not contain your a good copy of your fault package to replac=e it with)
surt will leave a log file  (in cbs folder)which can examine and then follow the procedures in the technet article

to fix the ie10 issue follow the superuser article with package manger, noting that you might need to replace amd64 with x86 depending on you PC


  • i did not remove all the 8.x internt explorer packages or the 6.x version
  • ie10 installer says after running for a bit, 'Internet Explorer did not finish installing'


  • i unistalled ie8 via windows add/remove windows features
  • ie10 installer says after running for a bit, 'Internet Explorer did not finish installing'
  • i am now ruinning the surt to see what the error log says
  • no errors found with the surt
  • this is all indeicating to a corrupt packahe


  • when i now run windows update internet explorer of any verison is not available point to ie8 being a prerequsite
  • installed ie8 via features, both ie9 and ie10 were available
  • ie10 installer says after running for a bit, 'Internet Explorer did not finish installing'
  • installed ie9 successfully
  • installed ie10 via windows update and got the following error - 9C59
  • tried installing as the Administrator account - no joy either
  • redownload ie10 direct from, this then installed correctely  (done in administrator)
  • loggged out and back into other account, diactivated administrator



  • that * pck command did not find any packages
  • the offline installer i had might of been corrupt
  • uninstalling chrome makes no difference
  • glary utilities registry clean - no difference
  • surt gave corrupt pack info - possibly just cleaning these and then using the new download would of worked (direct fromt he link above)
  • installing office 2010 sp2 made no difference
  • i think all ie10 prerequsites were already on
  • not the graphics card as some people say
  • error coe 9C59 only appears when using windows updates (apparently changing this from hex to decimal and then searching knowledge base, not sure)
  • sfc found no integrity violations
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