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Sunday, 06 May 2012 00:00

KSOD - Black screen of death

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KSOD (Black Screen of Death) issues can be caused by many different issues, the quickest and easiest method of fixing this is running system restore if possibly. This error is a kernel level error and are very tricky for the end user to fix, even if it is possible because this error cannot always be fixed. I think 'K' in ksod stands for kernel.

Things i have tried

  • chdsk
  • chkdsk /r
  • could be windows event log service
  • virus hook on shell
  • black screen virus
  • faulty update - remove recent updates
  • run system restore
  • disable all services and reboot (this did not make any difference)
  • disable msconfig items manually
  • try permission reset with SubInACL command line thing and that batch file in console
  • try reset registry permissions
  • try adding the prevx fix url in to the start up group thing in the registry so it autoruns itself
  • "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" ""
  • try injecting updated graphics drivers
  • check HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit   make sure it says
    it could be as subtle as a . on the end ie C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe.
  • is it loading a corrupt hibernation file. delete the hibernation file to remove this issue
  • malware scan

Other Things To Try

What Worked For Me

KSOD is cause by incorrect permissions from a failed update usually. Fix the file permissions and the update will complete allowing windows to run.

  • scan with malware and comodo CIS - remove all shit
  • then add everyone to C:\ (of the client drive) permissions and apply to all (i also include administrators)
    use a permissions utility to restore permissions such as the one from or SubInACL
  • put back in client machine when you can read the files

when i put it back in the client machine a windows update carried on and might explain why i could not run sfc or indeed why the PC failed.


Read 2089 times Last modified on Thursday, 19 November 2015 12:35