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Sunday, 16 November 2008 00:00

Vista wont let me move/copy/delete my files

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To Fix this issue you need to Take ownership of the file(s).

You can do it the hard way, Or the easy way.

The Hard Way

To take full ownership:
1. Right click file, select properties.
2. Hit security tab, select advanced
3. Click owner tab, the hit edit (accept the UAC pop-up box)
4. Select your username, click OK, accept the pop up box, then OK out of all dialogue boxes

To take full control
1. Right click file, select properties.
2. Hit security tab, then click on your username.
3. Hit edit, then click on your username on the pop up screen
4. Check the box marked "full control" under the allow heading
5. OK out of all dialogue boxes

Now you have ownership and full control of that file.


The Easy way

Download this file and install the TakeOwn+.reg file. After you have done that all you need to do is Right click + Shift on the file that you want to take ownership of and select Take ownership.

Read 1313 times Last modified on Monday, 30 June 2014 16:03