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Which Programming Language Should I Learn

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  • Objective C
    • This is the language used by aplle/IOS for the mobile platform
    • This will get replaced by swift
    • It is an apple only language
    • It is C underneath with extras added on
    • Ie the cocoa API thing
  • C
    • Most languages are based of this, it is 40 years old
    • It is a low level language
    • Mainly used for OS and embedded systems
    • It is a procedural language
  • C++
    • This is based on C
    • It has classes
    • It is a low level language
    • It is a OOP language (+ other paradimes)
  • VB (visual basic)
    • This is Microsoft basic scripting language
    • Its functionality is similar to C#
  • C#
    • This is a more indepth language
    • I think this is a low level language
    • It is limited to Microsoft products
    • This can do all VB can and more
    • Most popular language ?
  • C.Net
    • Not sure if this is C# rebranded
  • Python
    • This is a scripting language
    • Is easy to learn
    • A very visual language
  • Php
    • This is required if you want to do web development
    • 85% of the worlds rendered html is done my PHP
    • Is a good language to learn programming basics whilst getting something out of it. Ie. Most people start with websites
  • Java
    • This is a low level language
    • Is difficult to learn
    • Is platform independent
    • Version 8 will be a massive change in how it works
    • Write once, multiple platforms
  • Ruby
    • It seems very popular for web development
  • Perl
    • A low level language?
    • Server based
  • Javascript
    • Useful for webdevelopment
    • Client based scripting languages (ie runs the code on the html loaded into the browser on your PC, not at the server)

Analysis of Languages

Most hardcore programmers probably use C or C++ as a base and also know java, for web devlopers HTML, PHP, Java, ruby on rails (optional) and javascript.

I believe as hardware gets better that C++ will be used more that C, currently C++ is used for gaming and high end software. Firefox is written in C++ and so is the search engine GigaBlast.

Because C is aimed at OS, linux and embedded systems even though you can right other stuff with C, I recommend learning C++ first. This is because you learn the basic of C whilst learning C++ (I know people will tell you they are different languages, they are right and wrong. Read my in depth article on the differences between them) and as C++ can do more of the stuff you are most likely to want to do like games and apps, c++ is the way. Another thing about C++ is that JAVA is based on C++ so by learning C++ you get a really good start on JAVA.

JAVA is used for design most android apps amongt some online applets and games for PCs(you don’t see them as much now). You can now develop apps and games for androis using C and C++ (and some others) which is useful.

If you are ultimately going to learn JAVA it will not harm you to do a short courcse on C++ before learning java. I am raeding a book called ‘C++ for dummies 5th edition’ and then I will see about how I feel about java. You must remember that C++ is a low level programming language and you can get at all the hardware of your computer which allos some fun.

I was debating about doing a short course on C with the book ‘C for Dummies Volume 1’ before C++ and the JAVa, a bit like history and felt like a natural progression. However I felt that asa I did not want to do OS level stuff like drivers or Linux programs (a lot of their stuff is C) but more games and apps and that I liked the OOP paradigm (the sharing of code) I elected to go for C++ which has the best of C (or all 1991 C) and OOP it would be eaiser to grasp and easier then to progress on to JAVA.

If I ever what to go and learn C once I have mastered the other 2 languages at least I will know why I want to learn it because at the minute I do not have a need. I will also find it easier to learn as these languages are all realated they will have similarities. if you get your head around programming logic it is really just the syntax that changes. Most languages today are based on C at some point in their history ie Apples Objective-C, this is C with Apples custom library added on, C++ is obviously from C, and as mentions JAVA is from C++. I could go through other languages and show you how they are based or derived from C but you get the idea.

The only exception to the order of learning stuff is if you definitely what to program Apple stuff, then I would learn C and then Objective-C.

You must know at least one of the following to be classed as a real programmer, all 3 would make you an excellent programmer.

  • C
  • C++
  • JAVA

Learn C++ to do all the hardcore stuff and JAVA for easy cross platform apps (ie mobile phones). C++ can design weapon systems

Descision Path Chart

Thes languages are in the order you should learn them for the selected specialism you pick.

General Web Windows Apple Embedded











ASP (optional)


Ruby On Rails



Java (optional)





ASP (optional)


VB ( the different versions)







The new apple language

Java ?






C++ (optional)

HTML/CSS/PHP are an excellent base for further learning in any discipline and also because they are so widely used throughout the web. Another reason is that they are likely to be required in a great deal of your projects at some point.

Read 1098 times Last modified on Friday, 27 January 2017 14:05