You might come across the following error or one similiar
An Exception Has Occurred Python Traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\viewvc\", line 5068, in main request.run_viewvc() File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\viewvc\", line 462, in run_viewvc self.view_func(self) File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\viewvc\", line 2382, in view_roots expand_root_parents(request.cfg) File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\viewvc\", line 4941, in expand_root_parents roots = vclib.svn.expand_root_parent(pp) File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\viewvc\vclib\svn\", line 76, in expand_root_parent roots[rootname] = canonicalize_rootpath(rootpath) File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\viewvc\vclib\svn\", line 39, in canonicalize_rootpath rootpath = _canonicalize_path(rootpath) File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\viewvc\vclib\svn\", line 23, in _canonicalize_path import svn.core File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\svn-python\svn\", line 26, in <module> from libsvn.core import * File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\svn-python\libsvn\", line 25, in <module> _core = swig_import_helper() File "D:\Documents\Developer\SubversionEdge\lib\svn-python\libsvn\", line 21, in swig_import_helper _mod = imp.load_module('_core', fp, pathname, description) ImportError: DLL load failed: The operating system cannot run %1.
To Fix this you should try the following things (and probably in order)
- Stop/Start CollabNet Subversion from within its Web Admin
- Reboot your PC
- According to several forum threads the presense of files from other installations of programs that require Python, OpenSSL and other things might of lieft files that are causing conflicts in the system
- libeay32.dll
- ssleay32.dll
- py*.dll
- Also there could be an issue with enviromental variables incorrectely set or not present
- Exception with svnadmin over WebInterface - recommends rebooting the PC or issue with system PATH
- Subversion Edge error: ViewVC Exception Re: Subversion Edge error: ViewVC Exception - mentions system PATH and conflicting files
- ViewVC - Python Traceback Error - mentions OpenSSL file conflicts
- How to re-integrate SVN after server Re: How to re-integrate SVN after server - mentions the files toscan for