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Sunday, 22 February 2015 22:13

What is My IP Address - Script

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Simple Method

simply create a file on your website and run this, your IP will be displayed.



$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ; 
echo "Your IP is " . $ip; 

Displaying IP in a Graphic Mode

Show IP Display visitor's IP Address in an image with this simple php code.
Your IP Address:
Create a new page, copy the text below and save it as image.php (or whatever you wish)

$img_number = imagecreate(275,25);
$backcolor = imagecolorallocate($img_number,102,102,153);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($img_number,255,255,255);

$number = " Your IP is $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]";


header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

All you'll need to display on other pages is the code below.

<img src="" border="1">


Read 1056 times Last modified on Sunday, 07 June 2015 11:41