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Tuesday, 12 December 2017 10:33

mPDF - Renders tables and fonts smaller than in the supplied template

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When using mPDF to generate a PDF from a template it renders one or more tables and the fonts within them smaller than what they are in the template.


Look at the code below:

<!-- Invoice details -->
<td valign="top" align="right" width="200">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
            <td valign="top" width="90%" align="right"></td>
            <td align="top" class="olotd5" width="200">
                <table width="180" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
                            <b>{t}Invoice ID{/t} - </b>{$invoice_details.invoice_id}<br>
                            <b>{t}Status{/t} - </b>{$workorder_details.status}<br>
                            <b>{t}Date{/t} - </b>{$|date_format:$date_format} <br>
                            <b>{t}Due Date{/t} - </b>{$invoice_details.due_date|date_format:$date_format}<br>
                            <b>{t}Work Order{/t} - </b>{$invoice_details.workorder_id}<br>
                            <b>{t}Technician{/t} - </b>{$employee_details.display_name}<br>                                        
                            <b>{t}Credit Terms{/t} - </b>{$customer_details.credit_terms}<br>                                       

 and you can see this line.

<td valign="top" width="90%" align="right"></td>

mPDF cannot handle this empty cells with sizing statements.


I removed this line and then the template was rendered correctly.

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