QuantumWarp news and announcements along with general articles.

Just finishing the website

I am just finishing the website backend and then I am back to upgrading QWcrm. I know there has not been much progress lately but that will change. 

making site interactive

​I am just making the site interactive including the forum. Should be done this weekend and then I am back to finishing QWcrm

I am still here

​I am currently working hard on finishing the code re-write of QWcrm, once this is done I will have time to tidy this website up and get the forum finished. QWcrm will get finished and will work well and be ready for upgrading all the dependancies so it can be used on PHP7 shoulders

Links and Knowledge Base Live

My Link Directory and Knowledge Base

I have finally got my knowlegebase (KB) and my links sections live. Well, whats special about these because there are lots of directories and KB on the internet.

For starters i have checked each link, described them, categorized them, and checked the links to make sure they are useful.

The 2 main categories theat i am most pleased about are the Media and SEO link sections.

Media LinksAre you a web designer or graphic artist that is always in need of photos, icons, vectors, textures and more?You dont like paying lots of money to get high quality resources?People have told you you can find free stuff on the web but usually they turn out to be low quality.You have not got hours (or days) to go researching websites for free stuff because you need the project done.

This is where my Media Links Directory comes in handy. I have done the research. I have found hundreds of sites and articles of all sorts of design resources, categorized them in to all appropriate categories for easy browsing.

Where possible i have made notes on the license because there are many different types of free.

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New Blog Coming Soon

I will be launching my new blog soon. It will cover things i like and lots of stuff people will find useful.

Blog Calendar

Wait a minute, while we are rendering the calendar